Privacy Policy

Vision Construction values your privacy and is committed to protecting your personal information. This Privacy Policy is designed to help you understand how we collect, use, and safeguard the information you provide to us. By using our website, you consent to the practices described in this policy.

Information We Collect

  • Personal Information: When you contact us through our website, you may provide personal information such as your name, email address, phone number, and any other information you choose to share.
  • Cookies: Like many websites, we use cookies to collect data about your interactions with our website. These cookies may collect non-personally identifiable information, including your device type, operating system, browser, and IP address.
  • Google Analytics and Google Search Console (GSC): We use Google Analytics to analyze website traffic and GSC to improve our search engine performance. These services may collect information related to your browsing habits, but they do not collect personal information.

How We Use Your Information

We use the information you provide for the following purposes:

  • Communication: We may use your contact information to respond to your inquiries, send updates, and provide information related to our services.
  • Improvement: Data collected through Google Analytics and GSC is used to enhance our website’s performance, content, and user experience.

Cookie Usage

Cookies are small files placed on your computer’s hard drive that assist in analyzing web traffic. They allow web applications to tailor their operations to your needs, preferences, and dislikes by collecting and remembering information about your preferences.

Our website uses cookies to analyze traffic, improve our website, and provide you with a personalized browsing experience. You can choose to accept or decline cookies by modifying your browser settings. However, declining cookies may impact your ability to fully utilize our website.

Information Sharing

We do not sell, trade, or transfer your personal information to outside parties. This does not include trusted third parties who assist us in operating our website, conducting our business, or servicing you, as long as they agree to keep this information confidential.

Third-Party Links

Our website may include links to third-party websites for your reference and use. These third-party sites have their privacy policies, which you should review separately.

Data Security

We have implemented security measures to protect your information from unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction. These safeguards include appropriate data collection, storage, and processing practices and security measures.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. Any revisions will be reflected on this page, and the updated policy will be in effect when posted.

Your Consent

By using our website, you consent to this Privacy Policy.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact us through the information provided on our Contacts page.